December 1st, 2023 at The Bread & Salt Gallery, San Diego.
Overlapping medley (Zane Alexander, various, choir)
Simply having a wonderful Christmas time (Zane Alexander, Lily Yates)
Return & Recall: My Favorite Things (Stuart Saunders Smith, choir)
The_Snow_It_MMM+EE+LLL+TTT+SSS (Dom Cooper)

Performers: Zane Alexander, Dom Cooper, Charissa Noble, Isabella Pihas, Amelia Sarkisian, Andy Walsh, Lily Yates.
Held at Kitschmas created by artists Brian and Ryan.
'A kitschmas special' is a kitsch encrusted installation that combines the holiday traditions deep seated in the memories of Brian and Ryan. Thousands of ornaments, ornament adorned Christmas trees, kitschmas cards, eclectic garland, stocking hunt on a massively decorated mantle, ginger bread mutants, and holiday eggnogg.
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